In thinking about what we wanted this business to be we met our very own JUNCTION. After working with some of the best in the creative industry we decided to start something that will offer a different kind of service to talent.

This is about the network we have built and continue to build. A group of people where friendships have been formed and where trust has been placed in our hands. Globally recognised work has been created. Commercially our clients have benefited from our connections.

Having started our own careers in agencies we have been fortunate enough to have worked alongside, grown up and moved with the talent who now sit at varying levels in agencies, media owners and brands. We have connected people with long and lasting careers, have helped start businesses that continue to prosper and be successful for both founders and investors.

Many connections have lead to headline hires. Introductions have lead to families relocating due to the opportunity. Relationships and many a friendship has been formed. With all of this, award-winning work has been made, accounts have been retained and plenty of pitches and ideas have come to life.

And now it’s time to take control of that privileged position. To be happy not only with the work we do but also the environment we’re in. To be able to create a brand and business that puts others first and with this watch the success follow.

Put simply, JUNCTION is a talent management company that connects and supports people in their lives and careers. It is these connections that allow ideas to come to life via a commercially fair business model.

It’s a place where you can share, be listened to and where all elements of the talent world can be supported. Not just that moment in time when you need to hire or you need to seek a new job.

The service & experience is end to end. From psychometric profiling to research powered by an intelligent people focussed platform, coaching at all levels through to giving back to a mental health charity.

Our aim is to put people first.

Giving them the best opportunities from our network - connecting them to whomever we can.